Monday, 25 April 2016

Our learning this week

This week we are going to be learning about...
  • subtraction
  • nature in our local area

We will be learning...
  • different vocabulary involved in subtraction, e.g minus, subtract, take away, less than
  • to say one less or ten less than a number
  • to solve subtraction calculations using objects
  • to solve subtraction calculations by counting back from a number in our heads
  • to develop rapid recall of simple subtraction facts e.g 2 - 1 or 4 - 2
  • to solve problems involving subtraction
  • to subtract multiples of ten from a number
  • to solve subtraction calculations using 2 digit numbers
  • how to stay safe when exploring our local area
  • what plants grow in our local area
  • what animals might live in our local area
  • how to represent our local area through photography, art, music and writing

You can help me at home by...

  • exploring subtraction with me through play, for example, if you have five potatoes on your plate and you eat two, how many are left?
  • playing games with me that involve counting back, or singing songs where the number decreases (10 green bottles, 5 currant buns etc)
  • playing games to develop my mental maths - see and
  • exploring the area close to my house and talking about what plants or animals might be nearby
  • talking to me about what I saw and experienced on our bluebell walk

Reminders: Children will need adequate footwear for the bluebell walk on Wednesday (ideally wellies or trainers) as it may be muddy. A waterproof coat is also advisable.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Our learning this week

This week we are going to be learning about...
  • addition
  • exciting vocabulary in stories

We will be learning...
  • to find the total number of objects in two groups by counting all of them
  • to solve addition calculations using objects
  • to solve addition calculations by counting on from a number in our heads
  • to develop rapid recall of simple addition facts e.g 2 + 2 or 3 + 1
  • to solve problems involving addition
  • to partition 2 and 3 digit numbers
  • to solve addition calculations by partitioning
  • to listen and respond to a range of stories
  • to predict what might happen next in a story
  • how to use exciting and interesting vocabulary to make stories more exciting
  • how to recognise and create similies, e.g "as hot as the sun" or "as big as an elephant."
You can help me at home by...

  • exploring addition with me through play, for example, if I have two cars and you have three, how many do we have altogether?
  • playing games with me that involve counting on, for example, a board game where we have to move on a given number of spaces
  • playing games to develop my mental maths - see and
  • reading stories with me, asking me questions about the events, characters and setting
  • asking me to make predictions about what might happen next in stories we read
  • talking about descriptive words in stories and what they mean, explaining any words I don't know
  • encouraging me to use new words I have learnt from books when I am talking or writing

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