Friday, 11 November 2016

Super Science!

On Wednesday we had our annual Super Science Day. We dressed up as mad scientists and did lots of exciting experiments! In the morning, Anne from Sam's Simple Science helped us to make lava lamps using oil and water. We also watched her put a stick through a balloon without popping it!

During our Play and Learn time in the morning we explored lots of different things including magnets, mirrors, torches, colour paddles and natural objects such as conkers and fir cones. We explored items in the water tray and tested them to see if they would float or sink. On the whiteboard we explored lots of different science games where we could experiment with different objects to see if they were bendy or waterproof. We also played a game where we had to keep giving a plant water to make it grow and William did an activity and then a quiz about light and shadows.

In the afternoon we made some fizzy potions in teams. We used vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and washing up liquid and explored what happens when we mix them together. To make our potions more exciting we added different colours and some glitter. It was great fun!

Well done to everyone for their super work today, and a special well done to Harrison and Mollie, who won the Most Inquisitive Scientist award for being really engaged and asking great questions. Well done you two!

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