This morning it was a beautiful sunny day and lots of us were playing outside. We were using our 'grabbers' to pick up some leaves when we found some litter - rubbish that had found its way onto our playground. We talked about what we could do and decide we should pick it up and put it in the bin. Since there aren't any bins outside, Mylo thought we should get a plastic bag to put the rubbish in, which he did.
After that some of us were very busy picking up litter from the playground. We talked about how some people drop rubbish and how it can make places like the countryside look very untidy, which makes us feel sad. We can try hard to make sure we always put our rubbish in the bin and encourage other people to do the same. We were being very responsible this morning (this month's school value) in tidying up and making the playground look even better - well done to all the litter pickers in Nursery and Reception!
What a wonderfully helpful bunch you are! Perhaps we could offer our services to the local community?