Friday, 12 June 2015

Safety Day

Today was 'Safety Day' and we had some special visitors - three firefighters from our local fire station. They talked to us about what to do if there's an emergency and which number we need to call (nearly everyone knew it was 999!) and how it's good to try and learn our address so we could tell someone where to come if there was a fire.

They also showed us all the special uniform and equipment they need to have when they're going into a burning building to protect themselves.

We listened to a smoke alarm (it was very noisy - it has to be loud so it will wake you up in case there's a fire when you're asleep!) and they showed us how they might carry people out of a building.

We had some good questions to ask such as what does their logo mean, how many fires have they put out, how do they rescue people from buildings. We learnt a lot and were given a special story about a firefly who learns the hard way it's not safe to play with matches! We read the story back in class and talked about how to stay safe and not cause a fire - we should never play with matches or a lighter.

Thank you very much for coming to teach us about fire safety!

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