Next week we are going to be learning about...
- light and dark
- doubling and halving
We will be learning...
- to name some sources of light
- to know how to stay safe with light, for example, not looking directly at the sun
- to understand how we get night and day and talk about some differences between night and day
- how light can create shadows and how shadows can change
- to explore materials, including finding out whether materials are reflective or not and if they are transparent, translucent or opaque
- to find double and half of a number using objects
- to learn some double and half number facts by heart
- to solve some problems involving doubling and halving
You can help me at home by...
- exploring light and dark with me, for example, making shadow shapes on the wall
- looking at my shadow and at the shadow of things around us, talking to me about why we can't always see our shadows
- talking to me about night and day and some of the differences between them
We would appreciate donations of any tubes (e.g from wrapping paper or kitchen roll) to use in some activities this week
We would appreciate donations of any tubes (e.g from wrapping paper or kitchen roll) to use in some activities this week
Please bring Library books back into school on Wednesday
On Thursday our sound of the week will be 'h'
We would appreciate any contributions of mark making or writing from outside school for our 'Learning outside school' board
Tuesday is 'Science Day' and children are invited to come into school dressed as mad scientists - we look forward to seeing all their costumes!
We would appreciate any contributions of mark making or writing from outside school for our 'Learning outside school' board
Tuesday is 'Science Day' and children are invited to come into school dressed as mad scientists - we look forward to seeing all their costumes!