Friday, 18 May 2018

Keeping healthy and safe!

In Nursery and Reception this half term we  have been learning about keeping healthy and safe. During healthy eating week we made delicious fruit smoothies to share with the rest of the school and we have learnt about how different foods help to keep us healthy. We also enjoyed taking care of each other in our doctors' surgery role play!

We were also very excited to have a special visit from the police! They showed us their police van and we listened to the siren. We also got to sit in the van and wear special police clothes! We learnt about how to stay safe and what number we should call if we need help from the police, the fire service or an ambulance.

We also learnt how to stay safe on the roads. We used chalks to mark roads and roundabouts on the playground and drove around on our bikes and scooters. We also made traffic lights. If people went the wrong way or didn't stop at the lights or a crossing our eagle-eyed police officers were giving them tickets!

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