Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Exploring materials

This afternoon we were exploring different materials and learning to name and describe them. First we took it in turns to feel in the mystery box and try to identify some things that were in there. We had to try and work out what it was, what it was made from and describe it, for example, whether it was hard or soft, rough or smooth.

When we had got all the things out of the box we looked at them and talked about the materials they were made from. We discussed what the things were like and why this made them good for what they were used for - would a chair made of paper be good? If your clothes were made of wood, would they be easy to put on? No!

We looked at items made from plastic, metal, paper, card, glass, wood, clay and fabric. We also looked at a stone and a shell and talked about what they feel like to touch. We had some labels with the names of the material on. When we had read the word we had to find the object made from that material.

In groups we explored some other items from around the classroom and sorted them into groups based on what they were made from. We talked about whether they were hard or soft, rough or smooth, bendy or strong. We also looked at some differences between the objects - we had a soft skittle and a hard skittle, which felt different, and we had a clear cup that you could see through and a blue one that you couldn't, although both were made of plastic.

In our Play and Learn time some of us played a sorting game on the board. We had to catch items as they whizzed by and sort them by what they were made of - wood, glass, metal or rubber.

How many different materials can you find in your house?

1 comment:

  1. I saw this earlier in the day and there was an excellent sense of 'awe & wonder' when you were all guessing the items in the box.
    Excellent thinking Lucy, Dexter and Fallon for guessing that it was a feather in the box and a super drawing from Dexter!


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