Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Popping popcorn!

This afternoon we were learning to name the five senses. We found out what the five senses were from clues Miss Ayres gave us and talked about which parts of our body we use, for example, using our noses to smell.

Then we used all of our senses to explore some popcorn! First we looked at unpopped popcorn kernels. We used our eyes to see them, our hands to touch them, our noses to smell them and our ears to hear them - but they weren't making a noise! The only thing we couldn't do was taste them.

Then we put some in the microwave and used our sense of hearing to listen to the kernels as they began to pop! We also used our noses to smell the popcorn as it cooked. When we took it out of the microwave, Miss Ayres opened the bag and we used our sense of sight to look at how the popcorn was different to the unpopped kernels. It was a different colour, size and shape! We also used our hands to feel the popped kernels and talked about how it was different to the other kernels. Finally, we used our sense of taste as we ate the cooked popcorn!

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