Monday, 10 February 2014


This afternoon we met Funky Monkey's friend, Freddie Fox. We knew that Freddie Fox's name didn't rhyme, because the end sounds were different. But the first sounds in his name were the same. That's not rhyme, that's called alliteration. We read the book Superhero ABC. All the superheroes have powers and do things that begin with the same letter as their name. For example, 'Danger man duels with dragons!'

We took it in turns to say the first sound in our name, then to think of a word that begins with the same letter. If we couldn't think of something our friends were good at helping us. We tried to think of words that could describe us or what we are doing, so 'laughing Lexi' rather than 'lamp Lexi'!

We drew pictures of ourselves and wrote our names and the word we were using to describe ourselves. Some of them were quite tricky! Here is what we wrote:

Jammy Jamie
Marvellous Matthew
Red Rhys
Lovely Lexi
Orange Olivia

Some of us wrote sentences with alliteration using our names. We wrote:

Amazing Aaron ate an apple.
Lovely Lucy licks a lolly.
Mad Maddie munches meat.
Happy Harry has a hairy hat.
Great Grace grabs green grapes.

Then we played some games to help us practise alliteration and read a story called Super Sid the Silly Sausage Dog. We did such great work that Freddie Fox understood what alliteration was, and how it was different to rhyme. Well done Reception!

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