Thursday, 6 February 2014


This morning we have been learning all about symmetry. We looked at pictures of butterflies and talked about how their pattern is symmetrical. Then we explored lots of ways of making symmetrical pictures, including using pegs and boards, drawing pictures on paper and using the symmetry tool when drawing on the iPads. We made lots of super pictures!

Hope made this symmetrical pattern with the pegs and a board.

Brianna used the symmetry tool on the iPad to draw this lovely purple butterfly!

Matthew drew this symmetrical picture using the iPad

Harry made this lovely butterfly picture on the iPad

Hope and Maddie drew some super butterfly pictures with symmetrical patterns

We also made some symmetrical butterfly pictures and were learning how to give and follow instructions. We had to follow the instructions carefully so we knew what to do. This afternoon we have been learning how to write instructions so that other people can make symmetrical butterfly pictures too!

Look out for some of our instructions tomorrow so you can make a symmetrical butterfly picture too!

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