Friday, 7 February 2014

Dressing Up Day!

Today we have come into school dressed up as all sorts of different characters. We've had gruffalos, superheroes, princesses, pirates, a knight, a cat and many more! We talked about our characters and thought of ways to describe them, then drew or painted pictures of our characters. It seems that Aaron the knight is going to be quite busy today as he has got lots of princesses to save!

This is what some of us said about our character:

"I'm a good pirate, I go on a ship with a map to find treasure." Olivia

"Little Red Riding Hood goes to the woods, she is going to Grandma's house, and she meets the big bad wolf." Fallon

"Knights save people. They use shields. They fight dragons." Aaron

"I'm the cat from Room on a Broom. I'm a good cat because I don't scratch." Maddie

"I'm a fairy princess. I've got wings. I'm kind." Brianna

"Superman is a superhero. He's strong. He flies." Matthew

"Spiderman is good. I fight baddies. I get spiderwebs. I'm good at climbing." Trystan

This afternoon Reception are going to be making up some exciting stories about their characters!

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