Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Today is November 5th, also known as Bonfire Night, Firework Night or Guy Fawkes' Night, and we've been learning all about fireworks!

First we watched a video of fireworks and talked about what they looked and sounded like and how they made us feel. We came up with some good words to describe the noises such as "crackly" and "bangs"  and said they were noisy!

This morning we were exploring different materials to make firework pictures. We practised the skills we used before half term of using and blending chalk to make some chalk firework pictures.

We explored different ways of using paint and glitter to make sparkly, colourful firework pictures. We used pipettes to drop the paint, straws to blow the paint and tried different ways of wiping the paint across the paper. We made some brilliant pictures!

We also learnt about sparklers and how to hold them safely. We made our own models of sparklers with tissue paper and straws.

This afternoon, Reception were learning how to use ICT to make firework pictures. We used the interactive whiteboard, the touch screen computer, the iPads and laptops. We talked about which was the easiest to use and decided that the touch screen computers are easiest - it's tricky to use the mouse on the laptop! As you can see, we made some fantastic pictures with lots of different colours.

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