Friday, 14 November 2014

Science Day!

We are having lots of fun today and doing some fantastic scientific learning - we're also dressed up as mad scientists!

Mrs Johnson from Sam's Simple Science came in this morning and showed us some amazing experiments!

First we explored what happens when you pour vinegar on bicarbonate of soda - look what happened!

Mrs Johnson put a stick in a balloon and it went pop! But then she did this...

Why do you think the balloon didn't pop this time?

We made lava lamps by pouring water into oil - first we had to measure the right amount of water!

We added some special tablets - look what happened!

After snack and a run around outside, we came back to try some different colour experiments. We looked at different colours and how they mix together, and whether you can separate the colours again afterwards!

We explored mixing colours in the paint and found out what happens when two colours are mixed together.

We used different colours of chalk and blended the colours with our fingers.

We mixed colours of sand together and found that if you mix yellow and blue sand, it doesn't make green sand - you can see the separate grains of blue and yellow!

"I played in the sand, I mixed the colours." - Summer

We used pipettes to mix different colours of water. Unlike with the sand, when you mixed yellow and blue water it made green water! Do you think we could separate the green water and make blue and yellow water again?

Mixing red and yellow food colouring... "It went orange." - Blue

We used the colour paddles to explore different colours and how they make new colours.

"Yellow and blue makes green!" - Luke

We also did this with different colours of cellophane and tissue paper.

We had some white dough and added some food colouring to it. We made red and yellow dough and mixed them together to make orange dough!

"It made orange." - Paul

We also looked at lots of things that were different colours and sorted them using the sorting trays.

"I was exploring the colours of different things and sorting them." - Fallon

We explored coloured magnets and tried to get the coloured balls onto the matching magnets!

"Look, I got the yellow one on here." - Clodagh-Boo

This afternoon we are going to be busy doing even more colourful science experiments!

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