Monday, 3 March 2014

Rocking and Rolling!

Today in PE we were continuing our gymnastics unit by learning how to 'rock' and how to 'roll'. We did it on our stomachs first - we had to lay down on our mats with our hands in front of us and our bodies nice and straight. Then we had to rock from side to side, so our bodies were facing one way, then the other. We all stopped to watch Lucy, who was doing it brilliantly. Then we learnt how to roll. We started off in the same way, rocking from side to side, then we rolled all the way over. We had to try and roll all the way along our mat (we had to take turns for this and practise our value of patience while we waited for our turn!) making sure we kept our bodies really straight.

After that we learnt how to rock on our back. We had to hold our knees and try and rock backwards and forwards. It was tricky, but we all tried really hard!

We're really enjoying our gymnastics and we're excited to find out what we're going to learn next week!

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